Thank you for taking the time to check out what our family has been up to lately! Hope you enjoy these little glimpses into the lives of Brendan, Tiff, Dylan, & Makena...

Monday, April 19, 2010

Fun Times with the Cousins...

My Little Barbie Diva!

All of the kiddos go Cucoo for Cocoa puffs around Makadoodle!

I love this little mamma!

These boys are 3 of a kind!

Monday, April 12, 2010

The Terribly Awesome Two's!

Our daughter has 1 month left before she is officially two, but I believe it has come early! She is as precocious as ever, and is Little Miss Independent Diva! But then she turns on the sweet factor and melts you to a puddle... From fingerpainting with chocolate pudding to crossing her arms and "hrmphing" at me with that Louise Deffries pout face-- I love her to pieces!

The Goehner Pack!

After several minutes of attemting to get a decent family photo, this is as good as it was gonna get! At least all eyes are in the same direction! Happy Easter!

Dylan Goehner- Age 6 1/2- Being Baptized by Pastor Tim Bunn on Easter Sunday

Baptism "Practice"

At the Easter Eggstravaganza, Pastor Tim spent some time with Dylan talking about baptism, what it meant to him, and then they had an impromptu "practice" right there on the field! It brought tears to my eyes, and even though I captured it on film, I'll never forget it!

Easter Weekend

HE IS RISEN! HE IS RISEN INDEED! We had such a fabulous Easter weekend with family and friends. Brendan's parents got to come down for the weekend to share in all the festivities, and we had so much fun having them here! We went to see the production of NO GREATER LOVE at First Church of the Nazarene, participated in the Easter Eggsravaganza at the church (very cold, but got lots of eggs and candy!), and had a very beautiful Easter Sunday to cap it off. But the best moment of the whole weekend for us as parents was that our son, Dylan, chose to be baptized in the Easter Sunday service. He had been thinking about it for a while, and decided that he was ready! What an absolute blessing to a mother's heart to see her child make a choice to show the world that Jesus was in his heart for good! God is good.

We went to Monkey Bizness over Track Break, and the kiddos had a blast! Never needed a bath more... they ran, jumped, bounced, and got real sweaty for 2 hours~ what a great memory!

DoodleBop outside...

Makena loves to be outside! She begs "side" "side" all the time- come rain or shine... She loves to play at the park, go down the slides, and ride her trike up and down the sidewalks!