Thank you for taking the time to check out what our family has been up to lately! Hope you enjoy these little glimpses into the lives of Brendan, Tiff, Dylan, & Makena...

Monday, July 19, 2010

Father's Day!

So here's what I know: I have a pretty good hunch that I lucked out to not only have the best father in the world, but to have found one for my kids too! We feel so blessed to have both had Dads who raised us with love and gave us such wonderful upbringings. Now I can see Brendan emulating the same relationship with our kids, and I couldn't be more proud... Thank you to my Dad and to my Father-in-Law for being such fabulous grandpas to our kids and loving our family! For Father's Day, we were lucky enough to have a beautiful day to be outside and play- Brendan started the day with some daughter-father time on our porch... she loves her Daddeee! We then got to go downtown Boise to the Brick Oven Beanery with my family to eat lunch outside and play in the fountains! The kids had so much fun and it was actually really relaxing for the adults too! What a great day to celebrate all the great men in our lives.

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