Makena is 2! She is such a beautiful borrowed gift and we love her to pieces! She is our little Diva girlie-girl... She had such a great time for her birthday this year: She is in LOVE with Diego and Dora, so we did a little theme with those "guys". We started by having a party at the Build-A-Bear store in the mall. Everyone got to create, build, name, & accessorize a bear! The kids had so much fun, and we had the whole store to ourselves! Her friends were: RyRy, Will, Abby, Bubba, Aiden & Addison, Devon & Cam... (Lauren was sick :( )
After that, we all went down to Old Chicago for a pizza & cupcake party! Ema & Papa joined in... they sang, opened gifts, and chowed down!
Then just family came back to the house (Uncle John & Auntie Sue joined in) and we opened more gifts and had ice cream... by the end of the night, Mak came up to her Daddy and said, "Daddy- bed please!" We had one tired little Mamma... but she had a super-special day!